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Tłumaczenia: PROZA / PROSE


(Excerpt from the novel "Wakacje z duchami" by Adam Bahdaj; Translated by EJTI)

Chapter One


  Maniuś[1] stopped by the lake shore. He felt soft and warm sand under his feet and silvery spots were glimmering in his eyes. That was the water, which was exchanging the lake into a surface of brittle glass by reflecting the  light of the sun standing over the forest.  

     It was quiet. The boy could hear clearly the rustle of rushes and a faint whistle of his own breath. His heart was slowly filled with joy. His amazed eyes were following the shady shore, clouds gliding over the ridge of a distant hill, and, when he looked at the lake again he imagined himself that the dark depth attracts him towards it.

     He smiled – like to himself, like to the clouds – and then his rascally face set with a calm thought expression on it.

     For the first time he had gone from Warsaw on a distant trip and since three days till now he wasn’t amazed  at the world is so wide, so diverse and it gives such surprises. Since three days he has gone stunned and couldn’t believe that he had found himself five hundred kilometers beyond the hometown.

     But everything was so simple.

     Once upon a time, in spring, small Perełka[2], who was a Maniuś’s best friend, received a letter from his aunt.

     Now, Maniuś is seeing clearly, when Perełka dropped by him with a cheerful shout: ‘Hurray! All of us go to the lake! – and then both boys went down on the second floor to Felek, who was named Mandżaro[3], and they were reading together, having flushes on their faces.

      At the beginning of the letter there was written, of course: Why don’t you write to us for so long?, then: How are things with you and how’s your dad’s health?, but the ending was the most interesting. (…)  

[1] Maniuś is a diminutive from name “Marian” (English ‘Marian, Marion’)
[2] Perełka – is a nickname meaning ‘Small Pearl’
[3]Mandżaro – we can pronounce this nickname similar to a part of word ‘Kilimanjaro


Tłumaczenia: POEZJA / POETRY

(an excerpt / urywek)

(Original title: KACZKA DZIWACZKA; Author: J. Brzechwa)
(translated by EJTI, 12.11.2014)


By a river, near a small shrub,
A freak duck has lived, the freak duck.
Rather than keep to the river
It was doing hikes here and there.

Once it went to a hairdresser:
- A kilo of ..., of cheese please, Sir.
There was the chemist's right here to:
- Please, please fifty grams of milk, too!
To a laundress it went from here
To buy the postage stamps as well.

Ducks were terribly gnawing (quack!);
- Get this blasted freak duck a kick!

It has laid hard-boiled eggs non-stop
And it's had a bow on the top,

Besides, in defiance of ducks
It has toothpicked its hair (wow!).

Once it bought a poppy-seeds bag
To write letters in tiny hand.
While it was eating an old tape
It said it's good pasta. (Okay!)

And when it has swallowed two pens
It's said it'll pay back later! (Yes!)

The ducks were worrying about it:
- What, what will such the freak duck be?!
At last a buyer ended up:
- One can roast it for dinner. (Yum!)



(Tytuł oryginału: DZIK
autor: J. Brzechwa)
(Translated by EJTI)

A boar is wild, a boar's bad,
A boar has very sharp tusks.
Coming across it, you must, must
Scamper fast in a tree. (Fast, fast!)




'The Pictorial Guide to the Kings and Princes of Poland' by Jan Matejko

Nota historyczna:
(Ladislaus the Short, Vladislav the Short, Ladislaus the Elbow-high)
Years of life: about 1260-1333
Years of reign: 1306-1333
Nothing did herald the great career of that ruler. Władysław Łokietek was born during the greatest regional breaking up of Poland. He was the third son of Kazimierz (Casimir), the Duke of Kujawy (Kuyavia), Łęczyca and Sieradz and his third wife Eufrozyna (Euphrosyne). She was a daughter of the Duke of Opole and Racibórz. Kazimierz was still a ruler of a big duchy but he had to partition it among his sons. It fell to Władysław to get the tiny district of Brześć-Kujawy.
Both the Polish district reality and rule in the southern Kujawy did not create conditions to fathom out secrets of great policy. Although Łokietek had no adequate preparation he achieved great successes thanks to his abilities and ambition. Chances opened for him when he inherited Sieradz after his brother Leszek Czarny (Leszek the Black) in 1288. Perhaps then he thought already about Cracow. However, in the meantime, the knigthood of Małopolska (Lesser Poland) elected Bolesław Mazowiecki (Boleslaw of Mazovia) for their ruler. Łokietek supported his cousin. The coalition of Mazovian dukes and Łokietek defeated in the battle of Siewierz the Silesian dukes, who were allied with Probus. It allowed Łokietek to seize Cracow for the short time. He resigned in favour of Henryk Probus (Henry the Righteous) the Duke of Wrocław, but he managed to hold Snadomierz. Thanks to that he became one of more powerful Polish dukes.
Once again he competed for Cracow in 1290, after the death of Henryk Probus. This time he resigned voluntarily in favour of Przemysław II Wielkopolski (Przemyslaw II of Greater Poland). In turn, Przemysław had to resign in aid of Wacław II (Wenceslaus II).
The aim of Wacław was to rule in the whole Poland. After he had tributed several Silesian dukes, he attacked Łokietek. First he took Sandomierz away from him in 1292 and then he defeated him near Sieradz. (...)    


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